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Our Privacy Policy

This policy applies to all divisions of Ability 2 Excel.

Ability 2 Excel Privacy Policy

Protecting Your Privacy

Ability 2 Excel (ABN: 73 642 034 811) and its related bodies corporate (together, Ability 2 Excel, we, us, or our) are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. We adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act).

Collection and Purpose of Personal Information

Ability 2 Excel may collect personal and sensitive information (including health information) to provide you with tailored services and for marketing purposes, with your consent. The information we collect may include identity and contact details, financial information, NDIS plan details, and health records.
Purposes of collection:

  • Providing our services and products, including access to our portals.
  • Updating records and managing our relationship with you.
  • Communications regarding services, promotions, and responding to queries and complaints.
  • Administrative, research, and development purposes.
  • Ensuring quality standards compliance.
  • Reporting to government and funding bodies (de-identified where applicable).
  • Legal compliance.

Collection Methods

We collect information directly from you or your representative, through written, telephonic, and electronic means. Occasionally, with your consent, we may gather information from third-party service providers or as part of a referral process.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Your information may be disclosed to:

  • Our staff and related bodies corporate.
  • Third-party service providers and contractors.
  • Authorised representatives and healthcare professionals.
  • Government agencies like the National Disability Insurance Agency.
  • Others as authorised by you.

Disclosure is de-identified for reporting purposes and only occurs with consent for referrals. Overseas disclosures are limited and protected by stringent security measures.

Security of Information

We maintain robust security measures to protect your information from unauthorised access. Our staff and agents are informed about the importance of privacy and data security.

Accessing Your Information

You have the right to access the personal information we hold about you, subject to exceptions in the Privacy Act. To access your information, contact us at

Correcting Your Information

Please inform us of any inaccuracies in your personal information, and we will make the necessary corrections.

Cross Border Disclosure

Your information may be stored on servers outside Australia. We take reasonable steps to ensure contracted data storage providers adhere to the Privacy Act.

Data Breach Management

In case of a data breach, we will contain, assess, and respond appropriately, including notifying affected individuals and the relevant authorities when required.

Cookies and Website Tracking

We use cookies and third-party services like Google Analytics for website functionality and tracking. You can disable cookies in your browser settings.

External Websites

Our Privacy Policy does not apply to external websites linked from our site. We encourage you to review their privacy policies.

Direct Marketing

We respect your choice regarding direct marketing and provide an opt-out mechanism for ceasing any such communications from us.

Further Information and Complaints

For more information or to lodge a complaint about our handling of your personal information, contact us at

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

This policy may be updated periodically. The latest version will be available on our website.

Last update: 1 December 2023

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